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Of Carbon and Silicon
Thursday, 10 March 2011
The most crappinest... and happy Mario Day

Excerpt from The Mind's Rubbish Bin - Homestar Runner Edition:
The longest hiatus between Strong Bad Email updates began in October 2009. Following the release of "videography", updates to this section inexplicably stopped. As of 10 March 2011, the hiatus continues.

No one knows precisely why, but Matt and Mike Chapman (known also as The Brothers Chaps, or TBC) have not made a single update to the Strong Bad Email section of their critically-acclaimed Flash cartoon website, HomestarRunner.com, since October of 2009. In fact, since the hiatus began, only four updates have been made to the website, in general. The April Fool's Day cartoon, "Xeriouxly Forxe", the matching homepage, "A Decemberween Mackerel", and "Which Ween Costumes?". Un, deux, trois, quatre... just those four. To be fair, though, they did make a YouTube-exclusive "demonstration" of Strong Bad's videography "skill", "Coach Z pukes in guy's toupee". It lasts 19 seconds and only features Coach Z, Senor Cardgage, and the voice of Strong Bad, but it does exist and it was made concurrently with the "videography" email.

Speculation has run rampants... er... rampant on this subject -- potential reasons for the inexplicable lack of SBemails have been more far-fetched than the other. Maybe someone died? Maybe someone had a baby? Maybe someone was arrested? Maybe the economy got so bad, they needed to get real jobs? Maybe they're just not feeling it anymore, like, the vibes dried up, man?

Whatever the reason, I tend to think that Strong Bad needs an email that he cannot refuse to answer. To that effect, I recently sent the following message to Strong Bad's email address...

Dear 58,
When are you going to stop checking emails? You passed your prime around email 164 and totally jumped the shark in email 200.
Cory Dannerson

Let's break it down:
"58" is basic, numerical 13375p34k for "SB". That'll give him an opportunity to call me a nerd (which I am).
SBemail 164 was called "getting old", wherein Strong Bad attempts to salvage the "youth vote" by having a marketing meeting regarding ways to improve his image. Saying that one is "past [one's] prime" is essentially a reworded way of saying "you're old". So, I just restated Andy Hsiao's entire email by making a meta-reference to it.
Next, to "jump the shark" is a TV term with roots in Happy Days. TV lore goes that in order to salvage their dwindling viewership, the writers for the programme decided that the best way would be a gimmick where the Fonz jumps over a shark on water-skis. To "jump the shark" has come to mean any gimmick intended to attract more viewers... a typical case is when a main character is killed, two main characters get married or have a baby, or show attempts to "restart" by making an entire series into a dream had by a main character. Programmes accused of "jumping the shark" typically end at the close of the next series. Having the Poopsmith break his vow of silence to sing Strong Bad's 200th email intro song could be considered "jumping the shark", as well as having the 200th email itself addressed to Homestar Runner.
"Peace" is just sort of your average thing you say.
My sender name, "Cory Dannerson", is a combination of three inside jokes: the male name "Cory", the male name "Dan", and the suffix "-erson". Occasionally, a picture of a guy in a t-shirt labelled "Cory" shows up on the website. "Dan" comes from the name of a bloke who interviewed the Brothers Chaps for his tech blog. "-erson" is the uncreative stock last name suffix given to a few characters in Teen Girl Squad (Brett Bretterson, Mrs. Tompkinsrobotmomerson, Mrs. Commanderson, et cetera).
In my opinion, this is the perfect Strong Bad Email. He has the opportunity to, A: call me a nerd, B: contradict me and attempt to prove me wrong, and C: make fun of my name. Plus, it was written strategically, so it would not exceed two lines or three sentences, sans the greeting and the signature.
Of course, now that I've mentioned all this, the whole website will probably shut down, given my current run of luck.
Also, today is Mario Day 2011! I totally missed Mario Month last year (it was March of '10, or MAR 10... that won't happen again for 99 years).

Posted by theniftyperson at 5:45 PM CST

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