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Of Carbon and Silicon
Thursday, 3 March 2011
The Incredible Crash Dummies 20th Anniversary

As I mentioned in a previous entry, the supremely nifty action-figure line from 1991, The Incredible Crash Dummies, turns 20 this year. Of course, this is a highly momentous occasion here at SebasTECH. To celebrate the event, I shall be giving the Crash Dummies page a makeover (not that I wouldn't have done it anyway), consisting of new headings and a new banner. Also, something rather unorthodox...

I've recently come into possession of a freeware application known as Game Maker. At its simplest, one can use this programme to create a game where you click on bouncing fruit to raise your score. At its most complex, one can create a 3D platformer. My level of skill with the programme is about halfway between those two. Enough, however, to make a decent top-down Zelda-esque adventure game.
To that end, I'm presently working on a game I call, The Incredible Crash Dummies: Spin's Junkyard Adventure. I already have a working beta version, but I'm somewhat dissatisfied at how Third-Generation the graphics look. So, I'm redesigning all of the game's sprites (those little pictures of stuff that make up the game) to look somewhat more Fourth-Generation (rather Super NES-level).
I fully expect Spin's Junkyard Adventure to be finished by late Q2, perhaps early Q3. Of course, this is coming from the same chap who promised a redesigned Mario page last year sometime.

Anyway, I'll talk more about it when there's something new to report.

Posted by theniftyperson at 3:56 PM CST

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